Finish First: Winning Changes Everything by Scott Hamilton
Thomas Nelson, 2018
Most of us feel we were made for something more, but we’re afraid to be competitive because we think that our finishing first might somehow rob others of their chance to shine. Finish First is a wake-up call for business leaders, entrepreneurs, spouses, parents, and students to stop settling for mediocre and revitalize their intrinsic will to achieve excellence and go for the win.
Scott Hamilton has an amazing personal story. An adopted child with a rare and undiagnosed illness that stunted his growth, he became an Olympic gold medalist and world champion figure skater. Plus, he has battled cancer multiple times. So when Hamilton wrote a book about overcoming the odds, and what he’s learned about working hard, trusting God, and coming out on top, I paid attention.
I love the way Hamilton emphasizes that our own diligent work pairs with God’s will to accomplish great things. Hamilton explains the concept this way:
“It’s interesting how this happens—how when life takes a left turn we didn’t expect, we suddenly discover the strength, resilience, and power that has been inside us all along … As soon as I made the decision to get my act together, things started falling into place. This is so amazing to me how God works. All He needs is our willingness, and He does the rest.”
Each chapter of Finish First communicates a pertinent message:
- Why You Aren’t a Winner—Yet
- Know Your Purpose
- Break the Pattern of Losing
- Commit to the Long Haul
- Keep Showing Up
- Overcome Your Limitations
- Outwork Everyone
- Ditch Fear and Celebrate Failure
- Edit Your Critics
- Play by the Rules of the Game
- Never Look Back
- Winning Changes Everything
“When I talk about finishing first,” Hamilton writes, “I’m not talking just about beating your competitors. To finish first is to understand what you have to offer the world and then to be the best you can be at offering exactly that. It means understanding your life purpose and putting your whole heart into being the best at what you do.”
I highly recommend this book to anyone who dreams of doing, or being, more. How might winning change everything for you?