This short story follows two young people during the years following 9/11 and is set in Montana, where double-proxy marriages are allowed.
The Dutch House
The Dutch House by Ann Patchett is a fascinating study of the influence of home.
The Little Match Girl
Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tale is about a little girl who envisions beauty in the light of her last remaining matches as she faces death on New Year’s Eve. Let us take a cue from a master storyteller and remember that endings always make room for rebirth.
Saint Maybe
Saint Maybe offers opportunities for a reader to think about the broader questions in life right alongside the messy characters Anne Tyler presents so intimately and sensitively.
Silas Marner
Silas Marner may be one of the most beguiling stories a reader will ever find. George Eliot, born Mary Ann Evans, wrote with originality and sensitivity about religion, family, shame, and redemption.
The Light Between Oceans
A captivating, beautiful, and stunningly accomplished debut novel set in 1918 Australia. The story of a lighthouse keeper and his wife who make one devastating choice that forever changes two worlds.
Spanning almost thirty years and in settings that range from big cities to small towns and farmsteads of rural Canada, this magnificent collection brings together twenty-eight stories by a writer of unparalleled wit, generosity, and emotional power. Alice Munro enchants her readers even as she restores them to their truest selves.
The Fir Tree
Hans Christian Anderson’s tale is about a fir tree so eager for greater things that he cannot appreciate living in the moment.