This post is spoiler-free for Part 6 and future parts of The Wren Island Series. However, it may contain spoilers for Parts 1-5. Start here to read without spoilers.
One reason interactive serialized fiction is so fun is because readers influence every installment of the story. Readers have opportunities to do this in several ways. They might send me a quick note letting me know what they like and dislike so far. They might participate in a survey about a developing character. They might vote on an important detail. And, always, readers are right there with me in that special place where real life inspires fiction.
While reading Part 6, watch for these places where real life inspired fiction.
Readers determine what Allison thinks about in the opening scene.
Let’s say, like Allison, you experienced everything that happened in the last scene of Part 5, then learned Aunt Macy would be okay. If you were Allison, now what would you be thinking about most?
Readers voted on these options:
- Will someone please double-check the cell door is locked? Because I never, ever want to see that guy again.
- Woo-hoo! Virgil loves me!
- What do you want to bet Aunt Macy will be out of bed and bossing everyone by the end of the week?
- What an awful, awful feeling … seeing Aunt Amelia go down. Maybe I should have let Louise gnaw on him a while longer.
- If I’ve messed up my hip again, I’m going to lose my mind.
- Come here, Lokita. Let’s cuddle. You too, Louise. Good doggie.
Perhaps not surprisingly, readers expected Allison to be thinking about her dogs and wanting to comfort them. Which option came in second? Allison would be swooning about Virgil loving her. The results of the vote influence Allison’s thoughts and feelings in the opening scene.
Virgil sells hats printed with Wren Island.
A friend told me she’d like to wear a ball cap printed with Wren Island. She wanted people to ask “Where’s Wren Island?” so she could point them to the e-book and podcast. (She’s such a nice friend!) So I ordered a few hats and other souvenirs, and offered them to friends and readers.
While this was happening in the real world, Virgil got the idea to stock hats at the market, so watch for appearances of hats printed with Wren Island.
Readers get answers to their questions about Allison’s songwriting efforts.
While I was writing Part 6, I asked readers what questions they’d like answered. Readers submitted so many great questions! But there was one clear theme. Readers were curious about how Allison’s songwriting efforts would play out. Consider these comments:
Lots of things that I hope you will wrap up for us. But I’d really like to know how Allison’s dream of writing music goes.
Why does that girl want to write music when it’s fairly obvious she has zero talent or affinity for it? LOL
Will Alison write a song she really loves? One that makes her heart sing? Or maybe because her heart sings she’s able to write a song she loves.
Watch for Allison to gain a new perspective about her songwriting efforts.
Allison makes a decision about using the phrase all systems go.
Throughout the series, Allison used the phrase all systems go and wondered where it comes from. A reader suggested Allison might prefer using the phrase shipshape and Bristol fashion as a nautical equivalent. Watch for Allison to learn the origins of both phrases—and make a decision about which she’ll use in the future.
An intriguing new character is introduced.
Readers who’ve been with me for a while may remember that Allison Theodore first appeared in an earlier series. Toward the end of Stories of Reclamation Island, Allison visited the pub on Reclamation Island, where she admired a painting by a local artist and bought her dog an ice cream cone.
In a similar way, readers will be introduced to the hero of the next series (Wren Island with Wallace Around) when Ralph telephones a friend, Wallace Bernard, and asks for his help.
A local book club provided inspiration for a Discussion Guide.
My neighborhood book club read The Wren Island Series and invited the author (the same girl who walks her dog past every day!) to be their guest. I had so much fun! So e-book editions of The Wren Island Series now include a Discussion Guide. (Are you in a book club? I’d love to join your discussion! Learn more.)
Part 6 of The Wren Island Series will be released on March 19, 2024.
With interactive serialized fiction, readers directly influence the story in real time. It’s easy and fun to catch up. When you subscribe to receive my emails, you’ll receive a link to the parts that have already been released. Then, watch your inbox for behind-the-scenes updates and opportunities to influence what happens next!